Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments
Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments
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About Floxlab
Preparation tools
SC-450 Automated specimen cutting saw
ACM-300 Automated specimen coring machine
SG-300 Automated specimen grinder
SF-300 Specimen flatness gage
Rock testers
PLT-100 Point load tester
SDIM Slake-durability index meter
FTA Fracture toughness Tester
CAI-70 West Cerchar abrasivity index tester
OCAI-70 Original Cerchar abrasivity index tester
AI-70 Abrasivity indenters
AVS-A Atmospheric acoustic velocity system
AVS-O Overburden acoustic velocity system
Compression frame systems
GEOTEST Advanced rock triaxial test system
MECATEST Rock uniaxial and triaxial compression tester
ROCKTEST - Rock uniaxial and triaxial compression tester
GEOLAB - Educational rock compression tester
SHEARTEST-100M Manual rock direct shear tester
SHEARTEST-100A Automated rock direct shear tester
SHEARTEST-300 Automated rock direct shear tester
HYDRATEST Gas hydrate triaxial test system
Deviatoric cell systems
AVS 700 HP-HT Acoustic velocity measurement system
ROCLAB Rock compressibility test system
TRILAB Rock triaxial test system
Hydrostatic cells
HUC-series Hydrostatic ultrasonic cell
UEC-series Ultrasonic and electrical cell
Triaxial cells
THC-series Triaxial Hoek cell
TAC-series Triaxial acoustic cell
QRT-series Quick release triaxial cell
PC-series Passive triaxial cell
BPC-series Balanced passive triaxial cell
DC-series Deviatoric triaxial cell
BDC-series Balanced deviatoric triaxial cell
UV-700 Ultrasonic velocity fixture
AES-Acoustic Emission monitoring fixture
Sensors & calibrators
DE-series Diametral extensometer
AL-series Axial LVDT sensor
ALC-series axial LVDT and diametral extensometer calibrator
CE-series Circumferential extensometer
CEC-series circumferential extensometer calibrator
ILC-series In-vessel load cell
UC-series Uniaxial compression fixture
ITB-250 Indirect tension brazilian fixture
PLF-100 Point load fixture
PDP-200 Pulse decay permeameter
SSP-700 steady state permeameter
Proppant test systems
PCM-1000 Proppant conductivity meter
PCT- Proppant crush tester
RCP curing and compressive strength tester
Hydraulic fracture test systems
FRACLAB Hydraulic fracture test system
FCM-1000 Fracture conductivity system
Acid fracture test systems
ACM-3000 Acid fracture conductivity system
RDR-350 Rotating disk reactor
Proppant test Cells
AC-series API conductivity cell
SAC-series Multi stack API conductivity cell
FCC-series Fracture conductivity cell
ACC-series Acid fracture conductivity cell
FTC-series Flow through curing cell
CC-series Crush cell
FLC-series Fluid loss curing cell
PTC-series Proppant Triaxial cell
Syringe pumps
CF-series continuous flow pump
BTSP-series high pressure syringe pump
BTDP-series high pressure syringe pump
Pump mixer
BFSP-series high pressure syringe pump
BFDP-series high pressure dual syringe pump
PV-series Low pressure syringe pump
Pressure controllers
ACP-series Automated confining pressure controller
ACP-150 series Automated confining pressure and temperature controller
ABPR-series Automated back pressure regulator
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