The TRILAB apparatus is designed for the study of stress-strain behavior and the compressibilities of bulk and pore volumes under in-situ stress and temperature conditions. Governed by a computerized control interface, the system features a balanced deviatoric triaxial cell, which is instrumented with integrated in-vessel strain gauges, a thermal regulation system, an internal load cell, and a lifting device. To induce and regulate axial, pore, and confining pressures, the system is equipped with three high-pressure syringe pumps. The apparatus is modularly designed to accommodate a range of maximum cell pressures and test specimen geometries.
Maximum axial load
Model 1: 1000 kN Model 2: 2,500 kN
Maximum confining pressure
70 / 140 MPa
Maximum pore pressure
70 / 140 MPa
Temperature range
ambient to 150°C (300F)
Specimen diameter
Model 1: up to 54.7 mm (NX) Model 2: 54.7 mm to 100 mm
Specimen length
twice the diameter
Wetted parts
Stainless steel
Power supply
110-220VAC, 50/60Hz
Easy specimen loading operations
Versatile machine capable of a wide range of petrophyscial and mechanical tests.
Automated tests
Delivers unparalleled accuracy and reliability
Achieve any desired stress path
Versatile, can accommodate various specimen diameters up to 100-mm.